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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Week Before Hell Week

This week is pre-prefinals week or the week before hell week. Although this week has been pretty hellish in itself. I just took my third chem test. I have ten page paper due tomorrow. I did a presentation on Wednesday. This week is turn-everything-in week. It is drawing to a close though. I have almost everything turned in and this weekend I start studying for finals. I have two portfolios and two exams.

Wish me luck.


P.S. I don't know what is my problem, but I can't seem to write that much any more.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Homework at Aunt Cindy's

Sitting at the kitchen table and doing homework is the stereotypical place to do it. I haven't had a kitchen table to do stuff on in a while, but this is so much fun. Mom, Aunt Cindy, and GG are in the kitchen readying food for tomorrow and this is so much fun. I love everything going on. I miss the movement.

More Homework. I have to go.


Thanksgiving Break

Hey everybody,
How's life? My life is going pretty sweet. I have forgiven myself for not writing NaNoWriMo as much as I wanted to. I am also on break. I slept in not my dorm room for the first time since school started last night. My bed has springs! I'm sitting on it right now switching from working and playing on the internet. Right now I am waiting for Word to open. I miss my roommate and all of my school friends so much, but I miss home too. I'm not actually home just visiting family, but I am out of Virginia. It's nice to be able to go to the bathroom with no shoes on and to eat breakfast in my PJ's. Oh how I have missed regular life. Hopefully this week I will eat tons of yummy food and get lots of homework done. I can't wait to go back, but I want to stay away forever. Ah the college dilemma.

Well  I have to go. We are heading over to some more family's house soon and I want to get some work done before we leave.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Long Time no Blog

Sorry about the long time between blogs guys. I have been super busy and I still am. However, Brittan has been successfully blogging on her new blog FireFlies On My TableTop. I don't know how she does it. We are taking the same number of credit hours, but she always has time to watch shows and blog. I on the other hand do not. Right now I should be writing my English paper and look at what I am doing. I cannot wait to go home for Christmas. I will have no homework to do, and I will be able to be home with my family. I miss my house and my family. It is tough to not go home until Christmas. I have seen my family, but I seriously miss the chaos of my house. I have trouble focusing on my homework without other people around me.

I have to go. Procrastinating is very, very bad.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life is the Biggest Obstacle to Your Dreams

Okay so I haven't blogged in a while, but I have a really good reason. I have to much stuff to do. I have been working nonstop. I just called my mom for the first time in like ever, and I only talked to her for a few minutes. I do not have enough time in the day to get everything done. I have been working nonstop all day and I haven't finished my homework for tomorrow.

When you try to accomplish dreams too quickly life just sits down in your path and will not budge. For example, I am writing NaNoWriMo right now and I was doing pretty good.

I haven't written in days. It is horrible. I miss my characters, but I cannot just abandon my studies. I know what you are thinking, "Just try harder." Well what do you think I'm doing. I'm not giving up. I'm just accepting that sometimes life gets in the way and you cannot accomplish your dreams on time. I will most likely not finish NaNoWriMo, but I am still going to keep trying and then do it again next year.

I am optimistic.


P.S. Check out this cool game called The End. You make this character, and then you die. After you die you are in this crazy dream world. You go running through levels, and before every boss fight you are asked a philosophical question. You can use your answers to compare yourself to others and to some famous people that are included in the game. It is super fun and I found in The Flog by Felicia Day. Go Geek and Sundry! Also I found a cool, awesome new game that I must have called Star Fluxx. It was in this the most recent episode of Table Top. It is a super fun simple card game, and the video is hilarious. So extremely long post script but whatever.

Go fellow awesome people!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Busy, Busy Times

So I haven't been blogging everyday or nearly as often as I want to, but I have a good reason. I have been super duper busy. Between NaNoWriMo, a 10 page research paper, tons of homework from other classes, and life I have been completely swamped. I am over three days behind on my novel and I haven't even started my research paper and a rough draft is due on Friday. Also I have tons of other stuff to do: personal finance homework and chem studying that I need to do. I have three blogs that I want to write lined up and ready to be written, but I haven't had the time. Maybe I will just no sleep tonight and do all my homework instead. I have an awesome idea for a class next semester! I'm going to take a math history class. I love the history of math. It is so interesting.

Okay, I gotta go, class is calling.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3 of NaNoWriMo

Okay so I some how missed yesterday. I was going to do a daily NaNoWriMo log thing, but I some how missed yesterday. I wrote yesterday and I wrote today. Not enough mind you, but I still did. How did I miss yesterday? I don't know.

OMIGOD last night there were shots fired on campus. No one was hurt but it was at like 2:30 in the morning so the few of us who were awake were freaked out. There was a Baldwin Alert Message (BAM) but it was really vague  We talked to an RA and sort of figured out what was going on, but not really.There was an email this morning saying that a fight had broken out at a mixer on campus and nobody was injured, but that was all I knew. Then today during dinner I asked my neighbors who were at the mixer if they had seen it, and they had. They left the mixer when the fight broke out and when they heard the gun shots the just ran to the dorm they were staying at as fast as possible. Kinda freaky right. I was freaked out last night when we didn't know anything, but now I feel much better. Guns are still freaking scary though.

Yeah so that was early this morning. I then went to bed and slept until 1ish. I've gotten some work today, but mostly I have been playing on my computer. Yesterday we played D&D and I got to play with my brand new birthday dice which was super fun. Also some crazy stuff happened. Brittan and Madi's character's got drunk and since people thought they were married they got the honeymoon suite and some stuff happened. It was hilarious!!!!!

Well I have homework to do.


YA Book Giveaway

So guys Beth Revis is giving away fifty young adult books and I am so excited. She has a Twitter account @bethrevis and a Blog. Also the picture below includes the title of all of the books in the giveaway.

I love young adult books because they are for young adults. They are usually fun, fast reads with interesting plots and lots of diversity between titles. Beth Revis's three books, Across the Universe, A Million Suns, and Shades of Earth are some of my favorite YA novels, but I also love Ally Condie's books Matched and Crossed with Reached coming out soon. Those six titles are so different and yet they are classified in the same genre. That is why I love YA novels so much. The genre has so much diversity. Thanks Beth Revis for creating this wonderful opportunity to win signed YA books.

Blog has the contest rules and book descriptions on it, and this is the website where you enter the contest --> Rafflecopter

Thursday, November 1, 2012

not quite sure what to title it.

So I have done NaNoWriMo for today, but I have also done other things. Including but not limited to friending my TA on Facebook, making up a quiz, writing a story, and working.  It was a pretty fun day. This has been a pretty good day. Okay so this is like super short, but way to long for a tweet, so I have made it a blog post. It's a miniblog! Miniature. I love saying that. Miniature. Now say it out loud really slow. Miniature. Doesn't it sound like gullible?

Movie time. Fun Size here we come.


Day 1 of NaNoWriMo

Okay so I think I did pretty good. I wrote during work study, and then a little bit later. I reached the daily quota and then did my homework. I accidentally fell asleep doing homework, so I haven't gotten much done. But still. My story is about Amanda. She is lives in a medival mountain village. She hunts with her father, and even though she is in her late teens she is not married or even thinking about marriage. Her father is shunned by the villagers because of the way he raised Amanda, with pants and everything. Also, her mother died when she was very little.  Amanda is accepted by the villagers because they take pity on her, and she has better people skills than her father. She has carved out a spot for herself in the village, and she is accepted. I have 1717 words and I am still going strong. I have made it successfully through day one. Lets see how the other 29 go.
