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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Impossible Astronaut Day

All whovians unite! Today is the day where we run around looking like idiots covered in tally marks. I made a video of my adventures.

Have fun confusing the non-whovians.

Remember the Silence.


P.S. There is an explanation of all of this at the end of the video.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Finals Week: How Procrastination Killed the Motivation

This is a story I would like to tell you about a certain college student (me) going through their second ever week of finals.

          The week before finals, hell week, this student decided to not only not study, but to start watching a new TV show as well. Then, when finals week rolled around, she spent most of the weekend beforehand studying for her easiest exam. On Monday she took two exams her easiest and an essay exam. The essay exhausted her and she spent most of that night watching her new TV show. The next morning she started studying for the exam she was going to take that afternoon.Her third exam went well, but again she was tired out and spent most of the night watching television. Then Wednesday morning she got up bright and early and began to study for her notorious chemistry final planning to take it that afternoon. Around 11am she realized that she wouldn't be able to take it that afternoon and would have to take it on Thursday. Again, her studying deteriorated into TV watching. Finally, this morning she finished, sort of, studying for chemistry.
          I took the exam and hopefully I didn't fail. I will most likely get a good grade in the course, but only an A if the teacher curves the final. The idea of not getting an A has really stressed me out and it is all my fault. I have caused myself so much extra stress, by just not studying. I still have a final portfolio to work on that is do tomorrow. I like to think that this experience will teach me not to procrastinate, but most likely I still got an A in all of my classes. A.K.A. no harm done. This also means that it is harder for me to convince myself to study.
          This blog post is actually procrastination, but it is procrastination for a good cause (he he I just keep telling myself that). I started out writing this blog post to convince people to not procrastinate. Look how well that turned out. I cannot even convince myself to stop procrastinating. Well, even if I have not convinced you of anything at least you have been given some insight into my life and the horrible cycle of endless procrastination.
          The constant procrastination is probably also due in part to the source of my motivation. The main reason I want to study is to keep my 4.0 GPA, not because I think studying for chemistry is the most interesting thing ever. I would rather be doing so many other things. That variety of what I can do makes it that much harder to convince myself to study for my classes. So far I have been able to succeed, but I have usually started studying with not enough time to finish. What will happen next semester when I am taking harder classes?

Chew on that for a while. Share it with friends. Any funny stories about times you barely or didn't make it because of procrastination? Comment below.

Be safe.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Explosions

I was busy taking a glorious exam today when the explosions rocked Boston. News continues to come out, but from what I have heard on Twitter 12 are dead and over a hundred are injured. Three bombs went off, two by the finish line of the Boston Marathon and one by the JFK Library. A fourth bomb apparently was defused by the police.I have heard people are blaming muslims because they have not caught anyone yet. More information continues to come out, but we will probably not know the full story until tomorrow and more information will continue to be uncovered after that. Many of these stats will probably change, but this is how it is right now.

Stay safe Boston.
