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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Victory is at Hand! (A.K.A. I won Camp NaNoWriMo)

I did it. I’m done. I just finished the very first draft of my very first novel. I wrote fifty thousand words in the month of July and completed Camp NaNoWriMo.


I have close my manuscript and I am not going to open it again until I go back to school in two weeks.
It is so weird to not have something to do. I don’t have a daily word count to reach. I have no looming goal. I am done. I finished my first draft with about 50,300 words and I am going to let it sit. However, when I pick it back up I am definitely going to add more before I finally start to edit.

I still am not used to the insane lack of things to do in the evening. I can get on my tumblr and reblog whatever I want and not have to worry about not hitting my word count for the day. It is very freeing, but also scary. What will I do now?

Thankfully, I am planning a web show in the near future that still has no script. I have things to do, but I have no major deadlines to reach. I should probably set them.


P.S. I actually won last Sunday on the 28th, but stay tuned I have two NaNo-related videos coming tonight.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo: Why Hello Week Two. Why Don't You Punch Me in the Face?

          So, if you haven't seen my most recent videos, which are now available in the handy video bar above, then you may not know that I am doing Camp NaNoWriMo this glorious month of July. Camp NaNoWriMo is an extension of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Camp NaNoWriMo is, unlike NaNoWriMo, not in November. Instead it is in April and July. Also you can choose to work on something besides a novel or revise, or continue previous work. With this addition users can also make their own word counts besides the usual 50,000 words. The people who take these options are called NaNoRebels. I am just doing the traditional fifty thousand words this July which is a lot of words so I am very busy.
          Every day I go to work and write on the drive there and sometimes on the drive home. I usually spend about 9 to 10 hours at work, so as soon as I get home, I sit down and write. This is my schedule for the day, so as you can see I do not have much free time to do things like blog and make great videos. I am still uploading a quick vlog every Tuesday, just to stay in the habit of vlogging. If I stop again, it may take years for me to start back up, again. So the next few July videos aren't going to be that great, but I will be editing more once August starts. However, I will not be editing that much until school starts again. I will still be working for the first half of August, and still busy. The only reason, you all got the Wizard Duel is because it was already mostly edited, and I finished it up in the car on the way to work one morning.
          I am going on a road trip on the first week of August, so I do not know what my video that week will be, but on the 17th I am going back to school and the land of free time. Next semester I will be busier than I was last semester, but I will still have more time to edit than I do now.
         Next semester I will also be filming a web show, that I am producing. It is as yet, nameless and scriptless, but if everything goes according to plan episodes will start rolling out in January. I will try to release a few trailers beforehand just so you all can get excited, but until then just imagine a X-men on a much lower budget and with mostly girls. I am excited for it, and I hope that you all will like it.
         So, if you have read this far, I love you, but I have to say good bye. I am very far behind on my word count, thousands of words, so I really need to nail it down. If you want a bad explanation of my plot, click on the first video in the bar above. This is my most recent video, to watch it on YouTube click here. The video will open up in a white box, that you can close at any time, by clicking "I'm done watching this." I hope you enjoy the upgrades. Also, clicking the Camp NaNoWriMo banner on the side takes you to my novel page that has a synopsis and excerpt.

Have a wonderful week guys,

