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Friday, August 1, 2014

We are moving!

The Wogsland family has already moved to a new house, but now this blog is moving too. It is being magically transformed into But magical transformations aren't instant. So this is really a warning post. Letters to the Parents isn't moving quite yet. is like half-done. I am still building more into it besides a blog, so it'll take a while for the whole site to be up and running.

I am going to leave all of these posts here, but I'm also going to move them to my new blog and start blogging regularly again. I will make another post on here when the new blog is up and running which won't be for a while since I am building the whole thing myself and learning how to do it in the process.

*cough* *cough* I mean, I am doing the magical transformation myself which usually requires more than one magical person, so it will take a while.

Yup. That's about it. School's starting back up soon, and I want to get a lot done before then.

In other news, this Sunday is Esther Day, which is a holiday to celebrate love, especially love that it is usually harder for you to express. So this Sunday, tell someone you love them who you don't usually tell that you love them. That doesn't really make sense. This page explains it better.

In honor of Esther day, the four Wogsland kids are going to a Nerdfighter gathering on Saturday. I am really excited to meet new people, especially those who identify as Nerdfighters. Nerdfighters are people who fight for nerds, and they are generally very good, well-meaning people.

I'm going to go work on that magical transformation. Good luck in all your magical endeavors.
