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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guten Morgen my friends,
My arm is much better now and I have pictures of everything. Ok, so last night my arm hurt like hell, and now it is perfect which is good. Another thing happened last night that I left out because of my extreme pain. We gave Madi a mohawk with shaving cream. What up? That's about it for last night, although I did rewatch the first episode of Once Upon a Time because it's on Netflix.

Picture time...
Madi's Mohawk Pitcures
The beginnings of the first mohwak

Madi being attacked by Brittan, Kristin, and Mimi

Laughing histerically

This entire time Brittan's boyfriend was watching them through  Skype on the computer I was holding.

Front to back mohawk

Spike mohawk

Flattened spike mohawk

First final mohawk

Fish mohawk
Fish mohawk from front (sorry so small phone not cooperating)

From back

Start of random curly hair stuff

End of random curly hair stuff
 My Burnt Arm Last Night and Now
My arm right after I burned it (PAINFUL!!!)
My arm this morning (much much better)
So those are all of my photos and if you read all the way through and got to here after reading my captions then you get a free internet hug.


Yay! Now everyone is happy! I have to go, but I think you should go on twitter and follow @madisonkay1998 because she put up with the shaving cream.

