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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Computer Problems

Okay so I have to do a final portfolio in two classes and I have been working on my one for personal finance, but it turns out that in my obsessive backing up of my documents in Dropbox I replaced the newer documents with the older ones and I no longer have digital copies of one of my assignments. I can't find the paper copy either. I just hope that I can't find it because my TA hasn't handed it back yet. I want to go cry now. I think I'm going to go to bed and hopefully when I get up tomorrow everything will be better.

Thanks for always listening to me internet.


1 comment:

  1. Mom says you should be able to get older versions of the documents in Dropbox if you go to their website. I know version reversion is very simple with Google docs, but I just haven't used Dropbox that much. It's DEFINITELY a feature one would expect to exist.
