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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday, The Day of Rest or Not

I have spent the entire day working. I did not go to track today because I was too busy working. Tonight I will do some push-ups and crunches and core things to make up for not running today. Last night I was so tired and sore that I went to bed at ten o'clock. I know that may not seem early to any readers who are not or never have been in college, but usual bed time around here is about 12AM to 1AM. I went to bed early, and I slept like a rock. I got up at nine this morning still tired and sore. I tried to do work in my room, but I ended up moving out into the second floor lounge were I have been ever since. I had ramen for breakfast, and then I worked and went to lunch. Hunt lunch today was sloppy joes and sweet potato fries both of which weren't half bad. I came back and sat down to work again. Around two I took a break and watched the most recent episode of The Guild and Tabletop two of my favorite Geek and Sundry shows. Sadly season six of The Guild is over, but the show will continue. I was totally afraid for the end of the show, but the comments below the video assuaged my fears.

Right now I am drinking hot chocolate and working on the explication of a sonnet that I have due on Friday. It is much harder than it may seem. I am good at math. It is easy. English is hard. Luckily I have questions to guide me so I am not just wading into it blind. Much cheering and applause for my textbook. Thank you. I am resisting the urge to snack. It is almost dinner time and I must get back to my homework.

Rest for me.


P.S. You know half the time when I sign my name I type so fast that it comes out "Alroa" and I have to try again. Once I even published a post before I noticed that I had spelled my name wrong.

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