Last night Cassie hosted a prospective student. Her name is Edlene and she is pretty awesome. She showed up yesterday around three and went on a tour of the building. After her mom took her out to dinner she came back to the building and we (Brittan, Cassie, Edlene and me) all hung out in Cassie's room. I was working on my homework, Cassie was editing a video, and Brittan was on tumblr. I do believe that Edlene was playing around on Youtube. Around nine o' clock Chanelle came in and the five of us headed downtown to Split Banana. It was a very amusing trip. I filmed parts of it which, once edited, will be linked to. After ice cream we walked back to the dorm and I hung out with just Cassie and Edlene. It was nice. I got some quality roommate time with Cassie. The next morning, Brittan and I took Edlene to breakfast and then dropped her off at her first class and then picked her up for her second class. She came to ECON today to join us for the "fun part."
In class today I was strangely excited. I still am. Today is a good day and I am just happy and full of energy. We were doing an economic experiment where we separated into groups and each group had to choose how much to contribute to research in development to possibly win a 150 million dollar patent. The paper said that we were looking for cancer vaccines, so I decided that we were making zombies and got really excited. It was super fun! Edlene got to play with us. She was pretty quiet, but she seemed to have fun. After class we headed up to lunch. There was a group of PEG's already up there and we sat with them.
There were two juniors, two sophomores, Brittan and I, and Edlene. They were all really excited about meeting a prospective so we had a pretty fun time. After lunch, Britt and I dropped her off with her mom and Margie (PEG staff) and came back to the dorm.
She is gone now. I will hopefully see her next year. She seems like a good PEG. This is the story of what happened, but it really isn't all that interesting. I kind of skimmed through it. Mainly I want to talk about the things that experienced people do to noobs. I am not going to address major hazing, just little pranks. I recently watched an episode of Merlin where Arthur had a new knight and it was his first patrol. The king and his knights were teasing him by making him ride his horse backwards. He was so eager to please them. It was adorable.
I think that this is an interesting phenomenon The newbies always want to impress their elders. It can be very funny to see and everyone goes through it. We all understand coming into a place and trying desperately to impress our elders. Then, the next year, we are the elders and we play pranks on the newbies. It is an interesting cycle. Consider the psychological roots of this reaction to elders. Evolutionarily, it was probably adaptive to impress elders because they will protect you from predators or maybe teach you how to protect yourself. Socially, it is definitely worth it to try and impress your elders. They can help you make new social connections and having a good relationship with them can be useful too. I do not know anything about the possible biological side of this. Although psychologically, it probably boosts your self esteem to have your elders like you.
So those are my thoughts for the day. Granted I have taken one psychology course and done no research on the subject.
Have a nice weekend everyone. Talk to you on Sunday.
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