This Sunday during a live broadcast the actor(ess) in the role of the twelfth doctor will be revealed. Everyone is very excited. Fans are ready and waiting to watch the live stream on their computers, but why?
I have never watched the regeneration episode without knowing, that this was it for this actor and so and so was going to take their place at the end. The episodes were still exciting and sad, but not surprising. Everytime, I knew exactly who was going to take their place and when: so and so, at the end of the episode.
Wouldn't it be amazing to not know?
You sit down on your couch, with your computer/TV in front of you to watch Doctor Who. It is nearing the end of the season, so you know it is going to be intense.
The day is saved, but the doctor is injured. He can't die. They haven't announced the next one yet, you think.
But that doesn't stop the regeneration.
He throws his arms out and light streams from his fingertips. You can't breathe, desperately wondering how he will come back from this.
He doesn't.
The regeneration completes and someone you have never seen before is standing in front of you. A couple of quick, witty lines are spewed and the episode ends.
It is silent. You are still sitting on the couch. Shocked.
How much more emotional and exciting was that? Wouldn't it just be grand if the BBC could keep even the regeneration a secret? Emotions would fly so high.
What do you think? Do you want to be completely and utterly surprised? Is the knowledge and anticipation more fun?
Will you be watching the announcement on Sunday?
I'll leave you to your thoughts.