Yesterday I went to rm 407 of the academic building and played Dungeons and Dragons with some of my friends. The highlights include: touching scene number one, getting out of the dungeon, Moira killing the wolf, Slespigam being saved, and of course the random telepathic moments.
We started this module about five weeks ago and we are finally done. We get XP and I am excited. Last night was very adventurous too. We started the day where we had ended last week: in a room with a hyena/coyote/wolf/bad puppy. Lele (Brittan) tried to open the door on the far side of the room and woke it up. Cue touching scene number one. Kanlis-Aerren (Jessica) was bitten on the shoulder and both her and Moira (ME) thought she was going to die. Now throughout their time in the dungeon the two of them had become very close. So close in fact that when either one of them is close to death the other goes into rage mode. When Kanlis-Aerren lost conscoiusness Moira believing her to be dead, killed the wolf hyena thing and ripped its throat out. Also luckily for Brittan she was heartbroken. Now if I haven't told you before, on a promise she made to her goddess, Lele had to break three hearts before she could leave the dungeon. She broke Kanlis-Aerren's the first day and then Moira's. In the end her third heart was her goddess, Jinx's.
Besides all of us, but Magnus (Jennifer) almost getting killed we made it out of the dungeon alive. Now we are standing in a desert ready to walk in any direction and but tired and exhausted.
I wish you many halaflings.
P.S. I started this blog on Saturday and finished it today on Sunday. Oops.
So you're a Leviathan?