Season seven has been quite intense and very dark. There is a major battle approaching on the field of Tensalor (sp?). I think that Matt Smith will soon regenerate into someone new. I have not looked anything up, but I am just guessing. On this thought of regeneration I have had a marvelous idea. I do not know if I am the first to think of it, but I know that no one has enacted it.
Before I get into my great episode or special idea, we all must be clear on the facts. Everyone knows that when the doctor regenerates he has the same memories and even though he is genetically a different person his personality is quite similar and he has all of his memories. On this note it would be very fun to have multiple doctors in an episode. Different incarnations, but not all at the same time. It would bump the doctor count up, but it would be very fun.
Say it is some really bad times and the Doctor is fighting a horrible war. He is on the front lines and gets shot. He regenerates. His new body goes back to the war and he gets shot again. He regenerates, again. Over a span of a few weeks or a month or two we could go through a few Doctors. This would be centered over a huge battle, and it would emotionally scar the Doctor without a doubt. The final regeneration that wins the war will have the split second memories of countless regenerations that lived a matter of days.
I am not sure how he would react to those huge emotions, but it would be a very fun special. A long invasion maybe, but not destroying Earth. Maybe he gets stuck in World War Two. Possibly he gets trapped in a concentration camp somewhere and he is somehow contained. Obviously we can't use the Silence because they fall with the fall of the Eleventh when the question is asked. Later maybe. If someone, somehow gets a hold of him and they are trying to harness his regeneration energy. They could play on the number of regenerations that River apparently had before she saved the Doctor. Does he have a number of regenerations? Does every new Doctor that quickly dies lessen his number of possible regenerations?
I cannot answer any of these questions. It is all up to the writers, but I think this would be something fun to play on.
Run clever boy and remember.