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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apple Gleaning

Well, my super secret secret is out.  My fun activity this morning was apple gleaning. Gleaning is different from picking because we are getting the still good apples off of the ground and bagging them so they can be donated. As we speak the apples are heading to DC to be handed out to the hungry along the streets. We got about 350 bags of apples and each one had about as many apples as a small bag of supermarket apples. I am very proud of us. Although we apparently collected more last year. It wasn't cold and rainy last year and I the owner said that there were more apples to collect last year too. Oh well, I am still very proud of us and I had tons of fun.

I got up at 6:30 and the buses left around 7:35. I slept almost the whole way there which was nice because I was exhausted   We got there and headed out into the fields around 9:15 and we wrapped it up and headed back at roughly 10:20.  The entire time it was cloudy and for most of it it was also raining. However, lots of us were there and even the president of the college Pamela Fox was there gleaning. I slept on the bus ride back too and now I am fully refreshed.

We got back around noon and ate the awesomely yummy lunch at the dining hall while all gross and muddy from the gleaning. Now I must get ready to go help run the fencing booth at the carnival. Apple Day is the best. It's like Christmas in October.

Have fun,


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