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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Break

So today is the last day of classes before Fall Break and I am super excited.  Fall break is this weekend: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  But get this, because labs are cancelled because we have Monday off, I don't have class until Wednesday because the only class I have on Tuesday is my chem lab.  Lab cancelling FTW.  I'm kind of sad too though because most people are going home for Fall break, but I am not. At least my roommate is staying too so I won't be alone, but I'm pretty sure that the rest of the second floor is leaving so it will be just us. Hopefully I will get a lot done during this period of me not having classes. I doubt it though. I am going to Kings Dominion on Saturday which will be fun, but it will probably also ruin my ability to study for the rest of the weekend.  Oh Well.

Happy Fall Break MBC,


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