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Thursday, October 4, 2012

College Sickness (I'm not sick BTW)

Getting sick in college just seems like the worst thing that could happen to you. You can't go to classes if you're sick enough and even if you aren't how do you focus when you feel horrible or you are constantly blowing your nose.  Luckily I haven't gotten sick, yet. *knock on wood* However, people around me have. Ciara was sick about a week ago with a fluish ear infection thing, but she looked horrible when she came to class.  Then there is this other girl Cassie who went to the ER yesterday, but she got some meds so she should be getting better.  I have Emergen-C which is a vitamin c drink mix and is supposed to help with the whole not getting sick thing. Well, I have my fingers crossed, but it's almost winter and I have the reputation of the girl always blowing her nose. So fingers crossed.

*waving good bye with crossed fingers*


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