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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life is the Biggest Obstacle to Your Dreams

Okay so I haven't blogged in a while, but I have a really good reason. I have to much stuff to do. I have been working nonstop. I just called my mom for the first time in like ever, and I only talked to her for a few minutes. I do not have enough time in the day to get everything done. I have been working nonstop all day and I haven't finished my homework for tomorrow.

When you try to accomplish dreams too quickly life just sits down in your path and will not budge. For example, I am writing NaNoWriMo right now and I was doing pretty good.

I haven't written in days. It is horrible. I miss my characters, but I cannot just abandon my studies. I know what you are thinking, "Just try harder." Well what do you think I'm doing. I'm not giving up. I'm just accepting that sometimes life gets in the way and you cannot accomplish your dreams on time. I will most likely not finish NaNoWriMo, but I am still going to keep trying and then do it again next year.

I am optimistic.


P.S. Check out this cool game called The End. You make this character, and then you die. After you die you are in this crazy dream world. You go running through levels, and before every boss fight you are asked a philosophical question. You can use your answers to compare yourself to others and to some famous people that are included in the game. It is super fun and I found in The Flog by Felicia Day. Go Geek and Sundry! Also I found a cool, awesome new game that I must have called Star Fluxx. It was in this the most recent episode of Table Top. It is a super fun simple card game, and the video is hilarious. So extremely long post script but whatever.

Go fellow awesome people!

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