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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Very, Very, Very Long Week

          Last weekend I did absolutely no homework. I watched a ton of Torchwood which was a bad idea. I haven't had time to blog since then because I have bee doing homework constantly. I had two tests last week and a paper due. It was not the best idea to procrastinate. I still got everything done, and this weekend I am getting back on track. I may be starting to make some Youtube videos soon because I want to film and show everyone my Dungeons and Dragons group. I just have to clear it with my DM first. I had a pretty fun week last week. I wrote a good English paper in roundabouts of a day. I played in the snow that fell. I think we have had snowfall three times this week. Sadly it has all melted within a few days. We had snow yesterday, but today it is all gone. Also, at home, in Tennessee, they have gotten tons of snow and it lasted a few days. Why, Virginia, why? I am so frustrated. I miss Nebraska winters so much. Ahhhhhhh! I need snow! I have been tweeting about snow, but it is little baby snow. I want big mamma snow. :( Sadness.
          Also, yesterday I finished what I can watch of season seven of Doctor Who. I am currently listening to Chameleon Circuit on Spotify. It is super fun. I love all of their songs. Hehehehe. Doctor Who band. Who'd a thunk! Well I have to go. I have homework to do as I said.

Watch for the blue police box.


1 comment:

  1. Well, we had enough to sled on in the morning here but it was all melted by the afternoon.
