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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lyrica Falls Down the Stairs. Everyone Dies.

          Yesterday was one of the best days of the week, Friday. I had a busy, but fun day. Once my classes started at ten I wasn't done doing stuff until 11pm. However, I was doing fun stuff. For example I worked from 2-4 which was fun. I got to meet my boss's daughter who is adorable. Her name is Kelsie (spelling?) and she is in fifth grade. I helped her work the TV.
          I left work early to get dressed and run up to the PAC (gym) for track practice at four. I got there about 2 minutes late. We did 200 m relays. Person A (Brittan) ran the first 200m of the track and then tagged person B (me) on the opposite side of the track from where A started. Then while B ran her 200, A crossed over the field in the middle of the track. Each of us did this four times so the team did a mile and the two of us did two laps each. Brittan and I were last. Our time was 7:45 min. I think we did pretty good and Brittan didn't come to track last week and she was having some trouble breathing. After the relay we took a quick break and then split for sprints and stairs (long distance workout). Brittan, Sophia, me and a girl whose name I do not know did sprints. Just so you all know I haven't run since the end of eighth grade -ish. I haven't actually run and practiced for track since seventh grade. I think we did like two days of track, I don't remember why I quit, in eighth grade. Either way I sprinted faster than everyone I was running with and Sophia is the president of the track club. I know that she is more of a long distance person, but nobody else passed her. We sprinted three times and then did some core workout: crunches and planks.
           I had some soreness yesterday during D&D and I was super tired. Now my legs, my but, and my stomach hurt. A lot. I was going to get up at 9 and go to the 10 am track practice, but instead I am going to the 3pm one because I could not get up this morning. I was sore, and I stayed up until two AM watching The Matrix with Mimi. I told you last night was fun.
          Now for the D&D side of the story. Well last week we made new characters. My character is actually cool now (sorry Amanda). She has a cooler back story which makes for a more interesting game. So last week after we made our characters we started our first module which was all of us waking up in a jail cell chained together with about 50 other prisoners wearing potato sacks. Yeah. So we tried and failed to breakout last week. I won't give you the whole run down, but just know that I started last night with ONE HP. ONE! Moira, my character has a maximum of four. So needless to say I got down to 1/4 HP this round. Thank you so much Chibi (Dungeon Master) for not killling me. Yesterday Jessica killed half of a giant worm. I passed out. All of the prisoners, but my group died. It was very eventful.

Three sentences. Rope.


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