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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parental Teachings

I have recently realized why I am so awesome. Wait hold up. I am not being stuck up and conceited. I am in college at fourteen I get a least a little awesome credit for that. However most of me being here is because of my parents.  Ever since I can remember my parents have been teaching me random science things. I have always excelled in classes because I usually already knew what we were doing. Now, however, I have no background in college chemistry because I never took high school chemistry. Facebook and Twitter people, do not say "oh but you are getting a 95 blah-di-blah-di-blah" I know that I am doing good, but I feel like I won't do so good next time. I worked really hard to get that good grade and that's what I am talking about having to work hard.  But working hard in itself is beside the point. The point of this blog is to talk about the awesomeness of my parents. 

Parental teachings come in handy with math and science when you have a science oriented family; however they also come in handy with friendships. My mom learned from her mom how to be caring and helpful to everyone and that has really helped me make friends and keep friends. I can be prickly sometimes, but helping others out when they need it helps them see past the prickliness.  I think that all of the good examples of help I received from my mother and grandmother have helped me stay a people person even though I sometimes have trouble with the whole people liking me thing.

Another good parent lesson I have gotten is to never give up and always ask for help. My parents have always been open to me and I have felt like I could go talk to them about anything. Also they have never given up. Mom is going to grad school with four kids and a husband who until very recently was unemployed.  Dad has been dealing with unemployment and being turned down.  Both of them have not given up and because of that good example I know that I will be able to keep going.

Thanks guys. I love you.



  1. Prickliness. Wherenowever did you inherit that from....

    1. Well I wasn't going to say anything but since you brought it up.

  2. I love this post. You are far more introspective than I.

    1. Thank you. I think a lot about a lot of stuff.

  3. Wow, Alora.
    This is so cool. I'll share it with Ise. Remember him from Cherry Hill apartment days?

    I'm finally paying a little attention to FaceBook. Still gives me the heebeejeebees. Have you ever heard that expression? Sorry I don't know how it's actually spelled.
    Maybe I'll even post some pictures one of these days.

    All the best to you and your awesome family.
    Alison Clark
    (Ise Yoshimoto's mom)
